
Showing posts from November, 2020

Planning for my Music Video

  The song that i chose for this video is Happy by Pharrell. The props that ill be using are a party hat this is to emphasize the theme of happiness and celebration. Ill also be using a chair for one of my actors to stand on. Another prop id use are balloons because people usually use balloons when they are celebrating something. Id have a cardboard box that would turn into a cake this would be the main part of the story line to be grateful so id make the cardboard box the cake. I would need a lighter but I wouldn't actually light it id just have it for the effect along with candles. I need a type of cloth to make a blindfold for the scene where the birthday person comes in and is surprised to find a cardboard box on the table. I would want record most of the video inside at a table mainly because that's where people sing happy birthday. I may do part of the video outside like maybe dancing and throwing up balloons. Id have my family members be the actors. If it is raining outs

Research Blog: Music Video Conventions

  I will be doing a music video using the song Happy by Pharrell. The audience would usually see the artist of the song dancing and lip syncing. They will usually have a concept to gain or something that the audience could learn from it. In some cases the message is either blatant and clearly stated or its hidden behind the lyrics of the song. They usually either have on suits or are shirtless which is for the males. The women usually have on regular clothing or some fancy suit. The props include things that have to do with the song or storyline. For example, There might be a cane in a dancing video for added effect. Their appearance is usually sad or happy and in many cases they are wet from rain.  The angles of R&B videos are usually focused on the singer or protagonist of the storyline. It'll continuously move between the characters and the artists singing.  The background of the music videos will be outside where its probably raining and then the next scene would be a coupl

Introduction to the Music Video Project

  For this project i will be working on my own for a few reasons. The main reason is because of coronavirus that has been going on for almost a year. No ones parents will let them leave the house to go anywhere. I actually asked someone could they work with me but it was a no because they aren't allowed to meet up with anyone outside of family. Another reason why i decided to work alone is because i don't have to depend on anyone turning in their part late or not showing up to film. Its less of a hassle because if i need to do a retake i can do it anytime i want. Having to work with someone would just be another negative factor effecting the production of my music video. I chose the song Happy by pharrell. I chose this song because i love the message of it, to be happy no matter what. When this song came out in 2014 i absolutely loved it. It had a positive impact everywhere and i would here on the radio all the time, i learned every lyric of it. I feel like id be able to convey

Blog: Creative Critical Reflection Questions

 How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?  In one scene the woman drinks the water and once she finishes it she throws it onto the grass. This is then followed a few more scenes and on the scene with a baby adding a form of pathos because it's a baby and the baby is saying 'drink water minus littering". I also added pictures of the water and another picture with a glass of water saying "drink your water". These both are giving viewers messages to take action: to not liter and to drink water. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text? One of the actors was a person running which could be relatable to a lot of the audience. The runner then had to stop and take a break which give the audience a sense of realism. Another actor was spider man, who hands the woman a bottle of water. Spider Man is a known super hero so this alone would engage the audience.

Project Blog:Water Commercial

This was my first time creating and filming a commercial. At first I wasn't sure how this would come out because I had little to no experience with this type of thing. I first started out thinking I could do everything quickly and not really take any time on it. I quickly realized I was wrong and that things like this take time and a lot of patience. I learned that you should create a schedule that is more organized and sturdy rather then thinking you can do it at the last minute. I learned this through the process and order of how things took place including the issues. Another thing I learned is that you should always check everything including costumes and actors to make sure everything is right. I learned this because when I went to record the first few times, the weather wasn't good, I could've avoided this by checking the weather. My cousins costumes was ripped which led me to have to go to many different stores, I could've avoided this by checking on the quality

Filming Blog: The Process

 At first I was planning on filming last week but the weather caused me to postpone. I tried again on Sunday but one of my actors weren't available. Today, November the 2nd is when everything fell into place and I was able to record. Before I was able to record I had to go with my mom to a few stores and run some errands. Then we picked up my little cousin from school at 2:30. We headed back to his house to pick up his spider man costume and his little brother, who'd also be in the video. When we got there we ran into a problem, his spider man costume had ripped. This caused me to have even more set backs because we had to go back out to the store. We went to about three different stores and finally found one with the perfect suit that contained a mask also. So we headed back to get my cousins to finally make the video and found out that the baby (who'd be in the video) was asleep. After about a hour and a half he woke up and we headed back from my house to start the video.

Editing Blog: fixing transitions and duration

After I finished filming all of the clips I headed inside to insert them onto open shot. Once all the clips were inserted I placed them in the correct order of how they take place in the commercial. I had to cut some of the videos down because the transitions weren't smooth. Once this was done and all the transitions were smooth and correct I faced another problem, the length of the video. I tried to cut down the videos as much as I could but they were still 5 to 10 seconds too long. I headed back outside, in the field to refilm some of the more lengthy clips. I did several takes of all of my clips to make them as short as possible. Once I updated open shot with the new clips and fixed the transitions accordingly. The clips were still too long so I had to decide what was necessary and which parts weren't so I could shorten the commercial. After doing so I went back outside to film and of course I didn't include the unnecessary parts. After I did this and placed the clips in