Introduction to the Music Video Project


For this project i will be working on my own for a few reasons. The main reason is because of coronavirus that has been going on for almost a year. No ones parents will let them leave the house to go anywhere. I actually asked someone could they work with me but it was a no because they aren't allowed to meet up with anyone outside of family. Another reason why i decided to work alone is because i don't have to depend on anyone turning in their part late or not showing up to film. Its less of a hassle because if i need to do a retake i can do it anytime i want. Having to work with someone would just be another negative factor effecting the production of my music video. I chose the song Happy by pharrell. I chose this song because i love the message of it, to be happy no matter what. When this song came out in 2014 i absolutely loved it. It had a positive impact everywhere and i would here on the radio all the time, i learned every lyric of it. I feel like id be able to convey a story better with this song. Id be able to make a story line that goes right along with the song lyrics.


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