Project Blog:Water Commercial

This was my first time creating and filming a commercial. At first I wasn't sure how this would come out because I had little to no experience with this type of thing. I first started out thinking I could do everything quickly and not really take any time on it. I quickly realized I was wrong and that things like this take time and a lot of patience. I learned that you should create a schedule that is more organized and sturdy rather then thinking you can do it at the last minute. I learned this through the process and order of how things took place including the issues. Another thing I learned is that you should always check everything including costumes and actors to make sure everything is right. I learned this because when I went to record the first few times, the weather wasn't good, I could've avoided this by checking the weather. My cousins costumes was ripped which led me to have to go to many different stores, I could've avoided this by checking on the quality of the costumes weeks before. My baby cousin fell asleep after we came back from getting a replacement for the costume, I could've recorded earlier in the day. Another issue I faced was the sun being covered by clouds and it was very windy so the noise was on my videos. I also learned how to edit better and how to use different software to perfect the video. Some thing I would do different is managing my schedule better because when it came down to it I could've had this done earlier instead of so late. I would have also managed my commercial better, ensuring everything was up to part. I could have checked the weather for the weeks I wanted to film avoiding the rain and clouds covering the sun. I should have also checked with my aunty to see when the baby usually takes naps that way I could've recorded sooner. Lastly, I should have checked my actors' costumes to ensure that their quality was good, this would have helped me avoiding wasting time at stores. This whole project was a huge learning experience that taught me so much. I advanced my skills in recording and editing using different apps and software then I'm used to. This project helped me to realize that filming isn't just about a camera and an idea but also about the many elements that make up the film. These things include costumes, time management, weather depending on where you will be filming, your actors, and scheduling, all of the things listed make up a film and without them the film wouldn't take place. There are many things I'd change based on the outcome and stress that i put on myself due to bad planning but I also take this as a learning experience for future reference.


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