
Showing posts from February, 2021

Genre Decision Blog

  I did research on different genres of film. It was a pretty lengthy task. I had to first find websites that could be useful to the project. I then had to explore the many different websites to see if they were good or not. I compared different websites and seen which ones had farfetched information. I compared them to see which ones had information that was closely alike. This helped me to determine if the website was giving out false information or not. I then was left with about 3 to 4 websites after the whole process. These websites had a lot of information on the horror genre. This is the genre I chose to do my film on. This genre has everything I was looking for. All of its conventions and parts fit perfectly with my idea for this project. I want something intense and suspenseful. That would also be spooky and have a jump scare. Horror fit into these ideas perfectly seeing that these are what make up the genre. The PowerPoint that was done summed up everything that makes up horr

Genre Research:Horror

This a genre PowerPoint me and another student worked on. This PowerPoint is on the topic of the conventions of the horror genre. Horror has many different elements that make up this genre. Different things like lighting and sound can directly effect what type of genre a film is representing. Some common lightings that are found in horror are silhouette, lowkey, and spot lighting. These three examples are lightings that make horror so sinister and frightening. The lighting itself sets a mood for the horror genre. Some common angles in this genre are high, tilted, and low angles. These angles are often used to get different views of the horror scenes. They help show the audience everything that is happening from different points of view. Some common Camera movements in horror are a tilt and pan. These different camera movements help the viewers to follow the action. They can also be used in suspenseful sequences. A common Mis-En-Scene in horror are clown costumes which portray many of t

Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

This is another website that I found highly effective. I did research on different website with title sequences for this film. This was one that also correlated with the type of film my pitch represented. As I went through different options I had I chose this one. This website had a variety of title sequences for different films. I also found a "students' projects" section where I could see student models of what I'd be doing. This was a good learning experience because it helped me to get an idea of how I'd do my own. This website seemed real, which is another reason I picked it. There's a huge selection of featured films to select from. I could pick which film I wanted to watch and proceed to watch the title sequence of that particular film.  

Title Research: Art of the Title Website

I went on a hunt for websites that would fit the requirements. I came across this website and others that seemed real and had everything I needed. I then decided to go with this website after careful analyzation of the other websites. This site compared nicely with sites I've used in previous filming assignments. As I clicked onto the website this one had the more efficient content based on my needs. I began scrolling through the website and found that it had a variety of movie titles. I learned about many different title sequences while exploring this site. Those of which correlated to my chosen pitch. I began to understand how title sequences work. This website helped me to look at them in a different light, from the viewer's view point rather then the filmmakers. The different titles on this website were very wide and they had many.  

My Pitch

  The two pitches I chose are as follows.1.A boy is running and searches for and looks at a picture that says missing. 2.A boy runs into a bathroom with a sword and a scratching sound can be heard as a hand reaches in. Both of these pitches peek my interest because of how they have the ability to grab the viewers attention. They leave the viewers guessing and wanting more. These pitches are also in reach of my abilities. Considering the many factors against my progression these were the two most wise choices. Covid limits me so that I cannot meet up with more people. I also only have a vehicle on certain days so I wouldn't be able to get anywhere too far from my initial location. The first pitch would be interesting to me to make because I like those types of films. It would leave a suspenseful atmosphere to anyone who is viewing it. I think this would be a more simple yet thrilling film to make. The second pitch would also be interesting to make. It's the same kind of film as

Starting The Final Task

  My name is Janaiya Polk, I am a student at Fort Lauderdale High. I am currently in the 10th grade and this is my first year in a media studies class. I ran into a few problems during this class but i conquered them regardless. I feel that covid has effected my media studies experience. I have experience in filming because of earlier projects. Although I have never done one for as long as this one which is two minutes. In the past I have done commercials and other filming projects but nothing like this. I was planning on working with a fellow classmate on this assignment. I talked about it with my parents but they said I couldn't because of coronavirus. So, I wouldn't be able to meet up to film with them.  Therefore I would have to change my plans and work alone. All the factors were against me working with someone. Excluding corona, I wouldn't have any transportation to them. Also, we'd have to pick a place where we could both meet and the person i was considering wor