Genre Decision Blog


I did research on different genres of film. It was a pretty lengthy task. I had to first find websites that could be useful to the project. I then had to explore the many different websites to see if they were good or not. I compared different websites and seen which ones had farfetched information. I compared them to see which ones had information that was closely alike. This helped me to determine if the website was giving out false information or not. I then was left with about 3 to 4 websites after the whole process. These websites had a lot of information on the horror genre. This is the genre I chose to do my film on. This genre has everything I was looking for. All of its conventions and parts fit perfectly with my idea for this project. I want something intense and suspenseful. That would also be spooky and have a jump scare. Horror fit into these ideas perfectly seeing that these are what make up the genre. The PowerPoint that was done summed up everything that makes up horror. From the common lightings and sounds to common costumes and camera angles. When completing this project I will have to ensure I incorporate all of these conventions. In conclusion my project will be within the horror genre guidelines and conventions.


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