Genre Research:Horror

This a genre PowerPoint me and another student worked on. This PowerPoint is on the topic of the conventions of the horror genre. Horror has many different elements that make up this genre. Different things like lighting and sound can directly effect what type of genre a film is representing. Some common lightings that are found in horror are silhouette, lowkey, and spot lighting. These three examples are lightings that make horror so sinister and frightening. The lighting itself sets a mood for the horror genre. Some common angles in this genre are high, tilted, and low angles. These angles are often used to get different views of the horror scenes. They help show the audience everything that is happening from different points of view. Some common Camera movements in horror are a tilt and pan. These different camera movements help the viewers to follow the action. They can also be used in suspenseful sequences. A common Mis-En-Scene in horror are clown costumes which portray many of the demonic antagonists. Another Mis-En-Scene is dark eye makeup and a white face. This can also be seen on demonic forces or on someone who has been possessed. One more Mis-En-Scene found in horror are the dark abandoned houses or areas. This is the setting for where most horror films take place. As you would think, those types of homes or places are commonly known to be the setting and where majority of the action takes place. Some common sounds heard in horror are screaming and suspenseful music. All of the listed elements of horror are what me and the student  found to be necessary in order for a film to fall under this genre.



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