Starting The Final Task


My name is Janaiya Polk, I am a student at Fort Lauderdale High. I am currently in the 10th grade and this is my first year in a media studies class. I ran into a few problems during this class but i conquered them regardless. I feel that covid has effected my media studies experience. I have experience in filming because of earlier projects. Although I have never done one for as long as this one which is two minutes. In the past I have done commercials and other filming projects but nothing like this. I was planning on working with a fellow classmate on this assignment. I talked about it with my parents but they said I couldn't because of coronavirus. So, I wouldn't be able to meet up to film with them.  Therefore I would have to change my plans and work alone. All the factors were against me working with someone. Excluding corona, I wouldn't have any transportation to them. Also, we'd have to pick a place where we could both meet and the person i was considering working with stays far. It was also be too last minute to try and work with anyone because the group blog is due tonight. Even though corona virus plays a big role in why I'm working alone, there are many other reasons why. One reason is because I actually prefer to work alone due to personal and work related reasons. Another reason why I prefer to work alone is because its not guaranteed that the other person will do their part so to ensure that everything gets done I just rather work alone. One final reason is because there can be a lot of conflict when working in groups and this can cause too many draw backs. I hope that next year i can experience the full extent of this class.


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