Intro Blog


My name is Janaiya Polk. I am currently a sophomore in high school. I am taking this class because I passed Global perspectives last year. I chose this picture because it resembles me. She is a dark skin, young woman with an afro puff like me. My hobbies are cooking, drawing, and writing poetry. I enjoy trying new recipes in the kitchen. Sometimes I even go out and try new foods. I duplicate recipes that I've tried and come home and make them for my mom. My most noticeable feature about me is my hair. Its one of my favorite features because it is unique. Another reason I love my hair is because I can style it in so many different ways. Some things that I am passionate about are racism and police brutality topics. These topics interest me because its wrong, unjustified and it deals directly with my people. Another topic I'm passionate about is women's rights and how society treats an individual based on gender. Women often get treated as less then and get taken advantage of physically and mentally. Being a black young woman in America these topics directly effect me in my everyday life. This topic relates to me because of my gender. I'm interested in these topics because I want to better the world, which includes stopping these forms of injustice. I use my free time to find out new ways that I, as a youth, can benefit to these causes.


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