Genres choices


We chose three different genres that we believed our pitch could fit into. The first genre we chose is comedy. Our pitch could fit into the comedy genre because of some events that could occur. For example, while the bully is learning from his mistake someone could make a joke. It could also fit in this genre because of its elements and Mis-En-Scene. Such as, the casual costumes and classroom settings of many comedy films. The second genre we chose for our pitch is horror. This pitch could fit into this genre because of the acts of violence within the scenes. Another reason it could fit is because of some common sounds found in horror. For example, screaming; this could be used in our pitch during a scene where the bully is bullying someone. The last genre we chose for our pitch is drama. Our pitch could fit into this genre because the relationship between a bully and his victim revolves around drama. The story line of dramas commonly revolve around high schoolers, which our pitch also does. Our pitch could fit into any of the three genres we picked because of common elements. Often times all three of these dramas involve the protagonist going through something sad or traumatic. This experience causes a big event that flips the plot. Another thing that our pitch has in common with these genres are the main character's characteristics. For example, in all three of these genres these characters are frequently depicted as selfish brats. Then an event occurs where the protagonist has to go through something that effects them and the ones around them. Lastly, they overcome this and have some sort of revelation that changes their perspectives on things like in our pitch.


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