Group Blog


For this project I have decided to work with someone. My partner's name is Esther Arisyole, who is in a different class period then I am. At first I was going to work alone. One reason for this is because I rather get all the work done at my own pace. Another reason is that I wouldn't have to deal with group conflict. Such as, deciding what to do for the project or how we should format things. There are many benefits of working alone like avoiding conflicts. In the end I concluded that the cons out weighed the pros in this situation. One con of working aloe is that the work load can be stressful. So splitting it between two people can make it less stressful for both partners. Another con of working alone is that sometimes I forget things and my partner can remind me to do it and I can do the same for her. Although I decided to work with a partner it can have some cons. For example, as I stated before with group conflicts and disagreeing on things. In the end I chose to work with Esther because this project is a lot o work for the both of us. I also know that she is a reliable partner when it comes to projects. I have worked with her in the past on school projects. On those projects she did  her half and turned them I on time. I found that we work well together in term of ideas and work ethic. Working with a partner is the smartest way to go because of the amount of things that are attached with this project. I chose Esther as my partner because I know that she will do her half of the work.


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