My Filming and Editing Process

 There were many obstacles when trying to film and edit. Some of these obstacles include the weather, when I tried to record it began raining which stopped me. Another obstacle was when I began editing I realized I didn't have all of my props and I had to run and get the things I was missing. I also had problems with my scheduling, where some of my actors weren't available. A problem with editing that I had was the Wi-Fi, I had to reboot the box in order for it to work. Another editing issues was when the video wouldn't go to the right time and I kept editing it. These issues were finally resolved because i learned to think about them differently. I resolved these issues by thinking like an actual director would by not panicking and just resolving the issues calmly. This method took a lot of stress away then what I'd usually do in the making of a music video. It also help me get things done in an orderly and timely fashion. Throughout the editing and filming process it takes a lot of planning and preparation for any and every situation. As I begin to realize this my filming and editing process goes by way smoother. I also need to put my actors on a tighter schedule in case something goes wrong or I need to do a retake for a scene. This video, although it was longer which meant more boxes in the storyboard. This music video went by smoother the 30 second commercial because of the experience I gained in doing the other projects. I learned how to utilize props, my setting and my props to create a mood for my video. I also learned how to edit way faster then last time and how to utilize my resources. All in all, as I do more videos my projects go by easier and smoother.


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