Planning Storyboard for my Callaway Blue Water Commercial

Scene one: It will begin outside in a field with a woman running. I'll follow her using a pan shot to emphasize the movements and that she is exercising. I might have the opening shot to be the sky and then move the camera down to focus on her or I might start from her shoes and work my way up. Scene two: In this scene the woman will get tired from running and stop to take a rest. As she kneels and rests her hand on her knee she'll say "Its so hot" or something that expresses the conditions of the weather. She'll also have sweat dripping from her face to put even more emphasis on how hot it is. Scene three: In this next scene Spiderman will appear with an ice cold bottle of Callaway Blue Spring water. Spiderman will say "here take this" while handing it to the woman followed by her thanking him. Scene Four: Spiderman is absent from this scene but leaves the woman with the bottle of water in her hand. The woman stands in her position and drinks the wate...